Life Design Coaching

For Executives, Entrepreneurs & YOU

if You’re Balancing a BIG Mission with a FULL Life

Clarity. Courage. Cadence.

Whatever is next is calling. You’re ready to shift some old patterns and break through your own glass ceiling. You want to build on what you’ve already built and you’re ready to bring your “A game” into your next chapter.

Become the most courageous person you know. Make mission driven and passion fueled changes in your life. Create peace and clarity. Facilitate your ability to thrive while generating whatever impact matters most to you.

First, you’ll get clarity.

Then you’ll access courage in a whole new way.

Next, you’ll develop a cadence in your life that allows you to sustainably integrate all the things- your work, your personal passions and your ability to grow and thrive.

Do not sacrifice joy for contribution.

Do not let stress call the shots.

Do not let your passion become pain because you can’t figure out how to fit all the pieces together.

Stop pursuing that illusive “balance” and learn the secret to powerfully INTEGRATING all the parts of your life that are stretching you so thin.

I’ve been called a lot of things in my life… “secret weapon”, “fire starter”, “master-manifester”, “Yoda’s sister”, and “the ultimate ally” are just a few. I bring all these and whoever else we need to our work together.

When you work with me, you lay it all out on the table.

We untangle, and sort and organize. And then we weave. And it’s so freaking fun when the design comes together!

I have your back through the mucky stuff so you can do your work and get to joy.

Life Design 1:1 Coaching Intensive

Six or Ten Month Commitment

This is a one-on-one program customized to your desires, goals and lifestyle. It will likely be a mashup of coaching, consulting, and mentorship. Meet your next chapter with curiosity, courage and a partner in expansion. Shift old patterns and ways of being to make room for what’s next. Expand your capacity for leadership, joy and courage. Life changing- yes, it sounds cliché but these are the words I hear all the time!

Apply for a Discovery Call

1:1 Cadence Collaboration Session

Ninety Minutes, Single Session 

This is a high octane, inspiration fueled session. Once we’ve identified what you most need- we pow wow- and you leave with whatever it is you came for. Insight? Support? A plan? A compass and a map? Practical tools? A problem solved? Rocket fuel? Magic? A loving kick in the butt???

Schedule Your 1:1 Cadence Collaboration Session

Life Design Coaching at Work

  • In absolute seriousness, working with Jen changed my life and it's one of the best investments I've ever made. I was at a place in my life where I couldn't see a way to move forward. I’d become despondent and deeply unhappy. Jen did a presentation at a summer camp I was organizing and her words hit me like lightning. I instantly knew that she would be the one to help me find my way back to happiness. I reached out to her for coaching and the rest is history.

    Jen never makes me feel bad about the places where I get stuck. She is always compassionate and sympathetic. But, at the same time, she won't let me get stuck in destructive mindsets. It's a very delicate balance and I'm always grateful for her skills in moments where I really need compassion- but not indulgence.
    Jen has changed the way I move in the world. I've learned to check my decisions against my values to make sure I'm making decisions that move me towards my goals in an authentic way. I’m clearer about who I am, more present and always moving toward a new vision!

    So… the short version is that Jen helped me through a career change. The long version is that working with Jen changed my life- twice! Working with Jen has helped me get clear on what I want out of life. Once I get clear on what I want, I am able to go out and get it. As a result, I’ve been able to successfully make the move from the equestrian world into the corporate world. Which was a big, scary deal!

    If you're serious about making moves in your life and you want a partner for that work, working with Jen is the very best choice you can make. Do. Not. Hesitate!

    Jessica Rattner, Senior Transition Manager, Nike

  • When I started Life Design Coaching with Jen, I was confused about what direction I wanted my life to go in. I felt frustrated and like I was spinning my wheels. Jen has really helped me find direction. The coaching we’ve done together has changed my outlook on life and the way I feel about myself. She seems to understand every situation and I now feel empowered to navigate every challenge that comes up. Coaching has impacted my life in so many ways! I am much healthier and happier. I lost weight and reached my fitness goals. I feel more confident. As for my career, I’ve accomplished some big certifications and become more assertive- I’m so much happier and focused on my future career plans.

    I loved knowing that I was going to have a conversation with Jen every month during a really challenging time. We worked together in 2020, during COVID and it felt very reassuring and comforting knowing that she was there as I was figuring out the next steps in my life and career. I am much clearer on what I want out of life now. I'm so happy that I found her!

    Melissa Berniard Attorney, Widmer & Associates, LLC

  • I heard Jen speak at an event during a time in my life when I was feeling dissatisfied with my job and found myself job hunting. I was also feeling pretty anxious about life in general. I really liked the way she approached decision making and self-analysis in her presentation so I decided to give her a call and discuss what Life Design coaching with her would look like. During our initial phone interview, I realized that it would be great to have someone to help me consider what did I really want out of life – career, family, hobbies – and how could I change my decision making patterns to be more intentional.

    Early in the process, Jen helped me start to recognize some unhealthy patterns I used in decision making (i.e. letting guilt be a primary driver!). It seemed so obvious in hindsight but having someone reflect back in a non-judgmental manner was really powerful in pushing me to explore how I could change the pattern on a conscious level. The process of regular calls created a supportive environment to think about patterns and try new ways of approaching decision making and recognizing what things were in my control. I find myself consciously now considering the role guilt plays in my life at a conscious level. It has been quite freeing!

    Now, almost a year later, I feel a general sense of calm in life. I have been able to maintain it and seek it as a way of being. I pause. I breathe. I think more about what I want as a pull rather than what I am doing out of guilt – a push.
    Jen is so positive, reflective, and authentic. I joke with friends that working with her is like doing action oriented counseling – or counseling for people who want to focus on moving forward and creating change!

    Sara McKenzie, Principal Lecturer, University of Washington

  • I have struggled, quite deeply, with depression and anxiety for the better part of the last fifteen years. There came a time a couple of years ago that I realized I had lost myself completely. I was bits and pieces of other people strung together by a little bit of hope, survival and duct tape. This realization is what caused me to take my first real leap off the deck and into the abyss- changing jobs and location in search of a better fit for me. This was only a temporary band-aid, however. A few months into my new endeavor, I still wasn’t happy. I still didn’t feel fulfilled. I still loathed myself and battled deeply with my Inner Critic. It was at this point I reached out to Jen- with a desperate help email late one evening last August. What followed was the most evolutionary year of my life to date.

    This evolution was not because I moved across the country or traveled overseas or was the focus of articles and my boss’ success- it was because I turned around and took a hard look at ME. With Jen’s help, I first had to learn to really sit with my discomfort and displeasure with myself- and see me and recognize the habits and the thoughts that were at the root of my agony. Through the goal setting process with Jen, I was able to outline some goals that gave me something to work towards and set myself on a path to self-discovery. Today, those goals are not the same as they were a year ago, but the goals I have now are ones that are much more meaningful and true to me at my core. I do not have the same job or live in the same location or have the same relationships I had when I started this journey- but those losses gave me my life, and more importantly, myself back.

    I look back over my notes from my Life Design Coaching with Jen and it brings tears to my eyes because I remember the struggle and the pain that they represented. They represent how broken and disconnected I was from others and more urgently, from myself. I never thought I would find my niche in life. But I think I have. I never thought I would be the woman I wanted to be. But I think I am. I was always so scared that younger me would be disappointed in future me. But she’s not. That little girl is proud to see the evolution that has unfolded. And it makes me weep to know I am making that little girl- with all her hopes and dreams and goals (and also all the fears, and demons and depression) proud.

    It has been nothing short of empowering to have Jen along with me for this journey- gently guiding me through hard-fought wins and the deepest, darkest pits. I couldn’t be more proud of myself for taking the step back and fixing the root of the problem- changing the well ingrained bad habits and turning them into self-awareness, self-reflection and a solid foundation from which to build on.

    What started as a desperate plea for a life plan has turned into a life revolution that I will never be able to thank Jen enough for. So- if there is anything you do for yourself- just try it out- gain a new perspective; drop a bad habit; sketch out some goals, or even revolutionize your life. It will be the best thing you ever do- I promise. I know there is still much work to be done and mountains to climb and struggles to be had- but now I am beyond survival- I am a step closer to being the person I always wanted to be.

    Alex Ambelang, Veterinary Technician, Virginia Tech Equine Medical Center

  • I started working with Jen during the one of her first courses, Take the Reins. I think I realized I could benefit from some one-on-one coaching after I typed out an entire page of thoughts from my “Inner Critic.” Since starting Life Design Coaching with Jen, I have made it through most of my five-year plan in two years. I finished a major professional certification, opened my own massage therapy clinic in a medical building, got my horse into the show ring, purchased a horse property for the future, and have generally cleared away a great deal of what had been holding me back.

    The most important thing I have learned, though, is the difference between healthy striving and hustling for worthiness... they can look a lot alike. While I still have to pay attention to which is the driving force, recognizing the difference is key! My favorite thing about working with Jen is that we usually tackle big serious challenges with quite a bit of humor. I learn well through humor and we can always find the funny in whatever swamp I am wading through.

    I have found that it’s in regular, ongoing conversations that actual change takes place. When something is bothering me, we talk it through. I make some kind of behavioral change, and good things happen. That is the process! Smart, talented, kind, hard-working people still need to update entrenched behavior patterns. If you want to stay the same, expect the same result. Change something and good things happen! have referred Jen to multiple friends and hosted a workshop with her for my friends. I highly recommend her to anyone else working their way to higher ground!

    Kyle Putnam, Business Owner & Massage Therapist

  • When I hired Jen, there were 3 things I wanted from a coach:
    1) I wanted help building my confidence. I felt I’d lost myself and didn't know what I wanted anymore. 2) I wanted help defining my personal goals. 3) I wanted help identifying steps to move forward in my career and business.

    Since starting Life Design Coaching with Jen, there have been almost too many milestones to list in all these areas! I have my confidence back. This has propelled me forward in all aspects of my life. I've brokered business deals in our flight school, held my ground when I needed to and have grown tremendously in my business leadership skills. I’m confident in my self-worth and in the value I bring to our company. I used to struggle with feeling second string to my husband. I felt in the shadow of Nick's success and accomplishments. This last year, however, I’ve really taken charge of our business growth and development. We’ve hired a marketing person to help execute the strategy I’ve created. Through coaching, I’ve learned to own my own value in the company and consistently define our business goals. Periodically, Jen helps facilitate our leadership meetings and each quarter, I work through steps we outline in our coaching sessions. Working with Jen has helped us develop into a truly amazing team.

    Through coaching, I’ve also outlined a direction for my blog and equestrian pursuits. I love how Jen can take my jumble of ideas and thoughts and help me organize them into actionable steps. She’s helped me address habits that needed to change and shift mindsets that had been keeping me stuck for years.

    I feel that these multiple facets are part of a whole package that makes Jen’s coaching really unique. We’ve been able address all aspects of my life- personal, business and lifestyle. This has been super valuable. Working with Jen has been a true game changer. I wouldn't be the confident equestrian and business woman I am today without her support, expertise and coaching. She has the most amazing way of helping me cut through the fluff to lay out my vision and zero in on who I want to be in order to achieve my goals.

    Magen Moran, Owner & Managing Director, Go Fly Maui LLC

  • I didn’t know Jen when I started Life Design Coaching with her. I was seeking a coach to help me refine my focus and, honestly, just have someone to bounce ideas off who isn’t directly tied to my business. I wanted a mentor, someone to help guide my dreamer side and keep me grounded. Jen gives me all that!

    Through our sessions, I’ve learned that she’s smart, experienced, real, inquisitive, genuine, and she has a rare ability to get to the right words on a more cognitive, conscious level. I’m going to use my best written words to describe this- My favorite thing about working with Jen is that she has a metric shit ton of knowledge, experience, and connections. She’s inter-connected and knows so much about people, processes, and current events. She keeps that shit all locked up like the secret garden, or the city of Atlantis and always seem to pull out just what I need, when I need it. She stays focused on my goals and what I need. She asks questions, and helps me articulate my ideas. She uses her own life experience to guide me to understanding the direction of my own within my business and that’s just super powerful. And admirable. I’m so thankful Jen chose this route for helping people!

    Amber Luce, Owner, Universal Riding Academy & Pond-A-Luce-A Stables

  • Working with Jen over the past three years has been instrumental in both my personal and professional success. Her keen eye and clear feedback have been invaluable in my professional role as a project manager for a multinational tech company. She has assisted me in evolving my career and navigating some very challenging circumstances. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

    Courtney Secor, Senior Associate, Revel Consulting/ Microsoft Corps