Equestrian Business Coaching

1:1 Coaching Program

Passion. Purpose. Profit.


Create a business that facilitates your dreams. 

It’s time to train your business like you train your horse. 

Get clear.

Make a plan. 

Get into action.

Your business is not you. It is a vessel through which you can
magnify and share your talents.

It is a structure set up to serve you and
support your dreams as you serve the world. 

Most businesses start with one objective: to make money.

businesses are different.

They’re generally driven by passion.

For this reason, many horse business entrepreneurs can go along for years, doing what they love, operating on word of mouth and making ends meet- until they can’t.

Your most important
resources- time, energy and money- will begin to run dry.

Passion is no longer enough and now it’s time to make some
changes so that you can continue to do what you love. 

How can you make your horse business more sustainable, manageable and fun while still serving your clients on a super high level? 

How can you create security, thrive in your personal life, and still achieve your biggest goals? 

Let’s Talk!

Apply for a Discovery Call

But don't take my word for it...

  • Jen has helped me so much with goals within my riding, business and life. She is well worth the investment. I’ve been to two of her workshops and done one on one business coaching with her. She has helped me find clarity and transform my business. Thank you Jen!

    Maria Anna Lacostte, Owner, Trainer & Instructor at Midnight Rose Equestrian

  • If I had to credit only one person for making the biggest positive impact on my life it would be Jen. What she does is give you the tools to be your own damn superhero. If you do the work, you realize there is no pattern that can’t be broken. There is no goal that can’t be achieved. You look at what you want and work backwards and start with the first step.

    I NEVER thought I would learn to manage employees. You can ask Jen how many phone calls and meetings I cried through. I have had A LOT of bad employees. And while I know that not all of it was my fault it ALL was my problem. I would get so frustrated. I would ignore it if I’d addressed it and it didn’t get better. Well I learned. And I learned what to look for from the start and learned how to let people go quickly who are not a good fit. The biggest thing she taught me is, it is not my place to be everything to everyone. To look at my values and select a team that aligns with my values. I LOVE my team. I LOVE my employees. All of them. If you said the word employees in front of me ten years ago I would cry. The team now makes my barn my favorite place on earth. Every time I leave I can’t wait to get back. Jen taught me how to do that.

    A hug from Jen makes you feel like nothing in the world could ever harm you again. When I need strength for a hard situation I picture her standing next to me and try to make her proud with my words and actions. It helps. She also has taught me where to look to keep my mental game strong and help myself. I feel like the most common piece of advice I give to people is, "you need to set up an appointment with Jen!” She makes me stronger and I am thankful!


  • I reached out to Jen at a time when my business was expanding quickly and I needed direction. Working with her has helped me to really focus on what I need personally from my business and to figure out how to grow it without letting it take over my personal life! I've become more effective with my time management and have remained confident in my program and my value when I need to raise prices.

    Jen really helped me take my business to the next level. Talking things out with her is really helpful because she has a unique way of helping me answer my own questions. I was new to having a business in the equine industry and she helped guide me in a way that has allowed me to maximize my time and income.

    Stephanie Seheult, DPT, Owner, Advanced Physio Contracted Physio for USEF Developing Dressage Program

  • Based on the recommendation of another trainer, I reached out to Jen during a time when I was experiencing absolute upheaval in my career. Pretty much all the steps forward I've made since then, I can attribute to my coaching. It makes me accountable to myself and keeps me motivated to accomplish the steps that scare me.

    Coaching with Jen has helped me embrace a different perspective on success. Success is what I decide it is for my own life, and not gauged by other people's opinions. Cadence Coaching has not only helped me define my goals, it’s also put me on a trajectory towards achieving them. I’ve gained new confidence through the coaching process and have learned to turn fear into something more empowering. I’m excited about my new business and ready to embrace my big dream!

    Julie McKean, FEI Level Dressage Trainer & Owner of JEM Dressage

  • Jen is an inspiration. She sees right to the bottom of the goals you might be afraid to say out loud because they seem too daunting. She helps you not only feel confident that they’re within reach but also helps you to create a realistic path forward to reach them.

    I always feel so much clarity after a coaching session- about what I am seeking and a strategy for how to get there. I understand how to better balance my personal life- I’ve realized that I’m not compromising my professional goals by taking one day off a week!

I’ve been able to shift my way of thinking to work more intentionally and efficiently. She helped me see that running around, driving everywhere to teach lessons wasn’t helping anyone. I learned that I could to figure out how to do things differently in order to have enough energy to help my students and be a better rider and trainer for my horses. Jen’s understanding of the horse industry makes her an invaluable coach!

    Kate Tackett, Professional Dressage Rider, Assistant Trainer, Eliza Sydnor Dressage

  • I felt exhausted by my chaotic existence- basically running two businesses and a tight pirate ship. Coaching with Jen helped me start unapologetically organizing my existence to fit my needs more. I feel healthier and less selfish and crazy for setting boundaries. Jen, I’m grateful for your contribution to my journey- keep being you!

    Stephanie Wilske Harris, Professional Dressage Rider, Massage Therapist & Biomechanics Expert Owner, Sporthorse Alchemy

  • I started business coaching with Jen at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed and unclear about how to move forward with my two businesses and my riding career. Through coaching, I’ve honed in on my ideal clients and redesigned my business around serving them. I now recognize fear based decisions (both in my businesses and riding) and feel empowered to make different choices that serve my goals. I’ve successfully been able to streamline my accounting business in order to make more room for my riding. We’ve also pivoted to performance coaching and I’ve been able to improve my mental space on my horse while competing. Thank you, Jen, for helping me find my confidence and true self!

    Sarah Judson, Show Jumper, Owner, Brave Accounting

  • Business coaching with Jen has given me the confidence to make some major changes in my business, but even more importantly, it has made the end of every month so much less stressful! I actually have money left in my account- I no longer just hope I can squeak by. I also have more time for myself and to spend with my family. I’ve gained confidence, am more organized and have the mental toughness to make hard choices I need to make in order to stay in business. Business coaching ended up being much more powerful than I thought it would! It was about crafting a successful business through personal vision and finding ways to achieve your biggest goals. Thank you so much Jen!

    BRIANA YETTER, Eventing Trainer, Owner, Pleasant Ridge Farm LLC

  • This program has helped me direct my business in a positive direction. Jen is the best coach I have ever worked with! She has a clear plan that leads down a positive path. If I ever got hung up on something, she would help me see more clearly what needed to be worked on and how I could make progress. She made it all seem so easy. I’ve learned that there’s a better way to do things in my business and I CAN do it. Her clear steps to moving forward and improving your business are really helpful.

    DONNA MEYER, FEI Level Dressage Trainer & Owner, On The Bit Farm

  • In under a year and only three sessions with Jen I grew my training business from fledgling to full with a waiting list and new rates. I could never have anticipated how pivotal Jen's coaching would be for my professional development. She helped me create positive thought patterns, confront financial issues I had been avoiding, and define my priorities so that I can stay focused and organized in my work. I am more balanced, confident and productive. I feel, as a result of business coaching, that I’ve been able to grow my business exponentially. Honestly Jen, thank you for your generosity, expertise and encouragement!

    Ashleigh Rauen, Eventer & Owner, Ride In The Rain

  • Jen is amazing to work with on every level. When I first contacted her, I was feeling lost and overwhelmed. I had moved across the country and my business was not flourishing like I’d imagined it would even after doing all the things I know how to do to grow a business. She asked the tough questions I needed to find answers for and kept me focused and accountable as I figured out my next steps. Jen is compassionate and results driven. She is all about whatever YOUR goals are. She has been an absolute joy to work with and has helped me in both my personal and professional life. I have a new and empowering perspective on my business and my relationship. She helps you really hone in on your goals and create a plan to make them achievable.

    Meghan Brady, Owner, Equine Solutions & Meghan Brady Coaching

  • I started coaching with Jen because I wanted to continuously improve and operate at peak effectiveness in both my equestrian life and as an entrepreneur. The business coaching we’ve done has helped me develop and adhere to strategic plans with measurable goals that have made my work life both less stressful and more productive! T

    he biggest "wow moment" for me this year happened when I shifted the coaching focus to competing with my own horses. I'm shocked that in one show season Jen has been able to help me undo a lifetime of pressure, trauma, and stress about showing that was holding me back from letting my horses put in their best work. I did not expect to be able to make that dramatic of a mental shift so quickly. I used to simultaneously love and dread horse shows and the dread only got worse with the pressure of riding as a professional. The coaching and strategies that I received from Jen are not something I could have found in lessons or arrived at on my own. They transformed my experience competing and were directly reflected in my scores and in my horses' happiness. Incredible!

    Coaching has also helped me let go of my people-pleasing habit. This has had a huge positive impact on me and my family. I'm now able to steer my life in my own direction without guilt and create a better work/life balance. Of course, it's easy to slide, and having coaching regularly, all year, gives me someone other than myself who will advocate for me, and push me when I start to slip back into old habits.

    Kelly Munro, Owner, Lighthoof and Grateful Pines Farm

  • I started working with Jen because I wanted help organizing my business model and professional goals from someone who understands the business. I’ve financially benefited from coaching because it gave me the courage to raise my training rates. I’m communicating better with my clients and I’ve restructured my business. The grooming aspect of my services had become over run with expectations that were unrealistic. It’s now a basic service and I’ve spelled out what it includes and what it does not include. I am spending money to automate the sprinklers in my arena to gain time back where I could be doing other things, and I base my work year on an 11 month year with a month paid vacation. All these were strategies that I came up with while working with Jen. I have loved everything about coaching and it has had a big impact on both my business and performance.

    Jen has an amazing way of looking at the world. I love to read her writings which are raw, honest, and humbling. They give me hope and make me want to be a more positive person. She is helping me help myself in so many ways- from restructuring my business, to being an amazing sounding board. Burnout is real and so is mental health. The horse business is hard, but I am in a better space since meeting her and implementing her tools. It’s not easy to embrace change. Jen gave me the courage to take the plunge, and I’ve come out the other side happier, better able to serve my clients, and train my horses!

    Kristina Harrison

  • I hired Jen because, even though I’d been successful throughout my profession as an RN, it was daunting to figure out how to achieve my goal of becoming a professional dressage instructor. So much has happened since I started working with Jen! I’ve begun my own teaching and training career. I just earned my Bronze medal on a mare I trained myself. Jen has been a remarkable catalyst for change in my life. She helped me align my actions with my goals and realize my potential. The transition from amateur to professional has been emotionally grueling but Jen helped me utilize the skills I already had and provided me with new insight that enabled me to navigate challenges. She led me down a path from total fear to realizing my dream. Honestly, she helped me embrace my power. I now live meaningfully, according to my values- with so much less fear and doubt.

    Jen believed in me and supported me through each step on what has been a difficult and rewarding road. Now, reflecting on the significant changes I’ve made is surreal. Jen is a fantastic coach!

    Ellen Tillman