The Performance Project
Getting Started
Module One: Fear to Power: Flip the Script
Module Two: Laying the Foundation: Purpose Through Passion
Module Three: Mindset Mastery: Harness the Power of Your Mind
Module Four: Mindset Mastery: The Tools!
Module Five: Emotional Suppleness: Emotions are Meant to Move
Module Six: The Physiology of Fear: Expand Your Capacity & Your Comfort Zone
Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
Playing Big, Tara Mohr
The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
Power vs. Force, David R. Hawkins
Mindset, Carol Dweck, Jim Loehr
Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert
A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson Sympatetic & Parasympathetic Nervous System