Course Overview
It’s time to put whatever gets in your way, aside, and learn to perform with confidence in training, competition and in your life!
You have one wild and precious life and this program is all about helping you make the most of it.
This is a go-at-your-own-pace course. There are no assignments and you have access to all materials and coaching calls for six months or more if you choose. You’ll have the opportunity to be a part of an inspirational, crazy cool community of riders who share your passions and challenges.
Each Module contains audios and scripts. These cover the same material and allow you to both listen to and read the core curriculum of the course.
Each module contains worksheets for particular sessions. The purpose of these is to help you customize and apply the training to your own life. The worksheets are designed to take you through a process. **Not all of the modules include worksheets so don’t worry- you’re not missing anything!
Some the modules also contain PDFs and videos. These are labeled as to which session they correspond with. **Not all of the modules include PDFs and videos so don’t worry- you’re not missing anything!
Each module contains a short, multiple-choice quiz for review and retention. These are optional but recommended.
You will gain access to a new module every seven days.
You will receive emails from me, several times per week, highlighting particular sessions and prompting you to stay on track throughout the six weeks.
There will be live Q&A Coaching calls every five to six weeks. Most past TPP participants say that these call are their favorite part of the course! These calls are your opportunity to connect with me and your TPP community, get professional coaching if you want it and truly apply what you’re learning to your riding and your life.
You have two options for participating in the Q&A Coaching Calls:
Submit a question you would like me to answer on the call. This can be done anonymously or not and you may be live on the call or not.
Coaching Question or Topic: This is a topic or a question that you would like to be coached on during the call. Coaching consists of a conversation that is designed to take you from where you are to where you want to be. You will end up with a strategy, a plan, a perspective shift, new ideas or whatever you decide you would like to get out of the conversation. You can share a challenge you are working through, a problem you are working through, a topic you are unclear on etc. If you submit a coaching question or topic, please provide your first name and be live on the call. These are really fun!
You will have access to all course materials and the coaching calls for six months from your purchase date.
Please email with any technical questions.
Email me at with any other questions.
Have fun with this!